Explore Training

Our experienced, qualified and accredited coaching team spent months putting their heads together to create over 100 warm ups, technical exercises, fitness sessions and cool downs. For each of these we have in depth guides on how to complete them and information on how they help you progress. We also designed a tool to help you match up different elements to form the most beneficial and safe sessions. This will all be available to you to try out as and when you please, as well as being some of the building blocks of your bespoke training plan.

When exploring how athletes approached training sessions, we were actually quite saddened to find that the majority of people didn’t do a warm up or cool down! Even more interestingly only 2% of people said they included technical work into the average session. This meant they were just leaving their house and launching straight into a run before getting back to their front door and just going back inside.

People, this is unacceptable! Unless you like being injured then you need to warm up and unless you like having tired and achy muscles, then you need to cool down. And that is exactly what we said to our athletes, who responded with a positive attitude. What they didn’t respond with was any clue as to what they should do to warm up or cool down and even less of a clue how to approach working in some technical training.

This resulted in the creation of our training session builder, where we have set out our favourite warm ups, technical sessions, fitness sessions and cool downs. These are available to view online or download as PDFs to print out and take with you on your runs to provide a step by step guide of what to do.

For those that prefer a bit more guidance, we have also set out some of our top sessions made up of four components, including exactly what are of fitness they will help you with.