Explore Assessment & Plan

When you click that button to subscribe….

  • You get instant access to the whole of the RunClever site, so you are able to explore all the features.
  • Within 24 hours, you will be sent an induction pack and a set of forms to fill in about yourself by a member of the RunClever team.
  • You then take as long as you need to fill in the forms and return them, but the sooner you do, the sooner we can get started training you properly.
  • When they’re returned, we will assess you and your goals and assign you the coach we think will be the best fit.
  • Your new personal coach will review your forms and contact you if they need to know anything else before getting started on your plan. Then based on the information provided including goals, your coach will put together a holistic plan, which has 3 elements to it;
  • A bespoke training plan,
  • Your journey through the RunClever main syllabus
  • Wellbeing & Enhancing your experience, which consists of tasks to complete to ensure you are able to get the most out of your time with RunClever.
  • You will be sent the plan for approval and you can discuss any proposed changes with your coach
  • From information on the forms and any other info provided, your coach will also map you onto our Outcome’s Framework for each HFI (Health and fitness indicator) and provide an overall HFI rating. This, in conjunction with the RunClever Ratings, will keep you informed on how you are progressing and make sure that motivation sticks with you.

The RunClever HFIs are;

1. Cardiorespiratory efficiency                 5. Flexibility

2. Cardiorespiratory endurance               6. Body composition

3. Muscular endurance                              7. Wellbeing / Happiness

4. Muscular strength

Through a combination of industry standard and unique RunClever designed testing we are able to assign each member a score for each of the indicators depending on performance, much like the scoring for a multidisciplinary event in the Olympics such as the Decathlon.

These tests and measures are designed to be simple yet effective to ensure that all members are able to gain a rating. Examples include the Cooper test or measurement of your resting heart rate.

The scores are combined to provide an overall rating and place you at a certain level for each indicator on the framework. This information will guide your coach on the development of your plan, which will be unique to you and based entirely on your fitness needs.

**Please note that RunClever is not a medical service and as such does not provide medical advice. Any and all information provided by RunClever is designed to increase fitness levels only and does not replace or supersede any information or direction provided by a medical professional. Any ratings given are not advice or a reflection on your health, simply the output of fitness testing. No medical decisions should be made on the basis of any interactions with RunClever and use of this site is an acknowledgement that you RunClever cannot be held responsible for any health related decisions.**